2006 AAA Eastern Conference Preview
Projected Finish
1. Holy Cross Crusaders
2. Rick Hansen Hurricanes
3. WJ Mouat Hawks
4. New West Hyacks
5. South Delta Sun Devils
Update. With schools like Sands and Seaquam starting and re-starting their programs, North Delta has folded their program. One has to wonder if this is the end of an era or that somehow someone will come by and revive the once proud team.
Holy Cross is the clear favorite in the East for 2006. A solid finish and talent underclassmen should give them the edge. Rumors are abound that UBC Football Head Coach Deslauriers has signed up to be the Head Coach of Holy Cross. If true, they should be favorites to win it all in 2006. The JVs lost a heartbreaker in the Title match.
The Rick Hansen Hurricanes should be on the uptick of their cycle in 2006. The Hurricanes struggled this year, but they had a very young team that was adjusting to Varsity ball. With a year under their belt, the Hurricanes should content this upcoming season.
The WJ Mouat Hawks lose 2 of the 3 playmakers from this season in RB Rau and R Chapdelaine. QB Teer is back though, which should allow them to be a contender. Still a dangerous team that may surprise in 2006.
The New West Hyacks suprised many this past season. Coach Lalji has been a QB factory in the past few years, but I can't think of anyone on the current roster or JV roster that Lalji can mold. The JVs really struggled this past season. The Hyacks won't do any better than 4th and could be as bad as last in the Conference.
Rumors again, this time that Coach Higgins will be retiring from coaching. That means South Delta will be in full rebuilding mode. North Delta limped to finish the season this year, don't expect much from them in 2006 either.
1. Holy Cross Crusaders
2. Rick Hansen Hurricanes
3. WJ Mouat Hawks
4. New West Hyacks
5. South Delta Sun Devils
Update. With schools like Sands and Seaquam starting and re-starting their programs, North Delta has folded their program. One has to wonder if this is the end of an era or that somehow someone will come by and revive the once proud team.
Holy Cross is the clear favorite in the East for 2006. A solid finish and talent underclassmen should give them the edge. Rumors are abound that UBC Football Head Coach Deslauriers has signed up to be the Head Coach of Holy Cross. If true, they should be favorites to win it all in 2006. The JVs lost a heartbreaker in the Title match.
The Rick Hansen Hurricanes should be on the uptick of their cycle in 2006. The Hurricanes struggled this year, but they had a very young team that was adjusting to Varsity ball. With a year under their belt, the Hurricanes should content this upcoming season.
The WJ Mouat Hawks lose 2 of the 3 playmakers from this season in RB Rau and R Chapdelaine. QB Teer is back though, which should allow them to be a contender. Still a dangerous team that may surprise in 2006.
The New West Hyacks suprised many this past season. Coach Lalji has been a QB factory in the past few years, but I can't think of anyone on the current roster or JV roster that Lalji can mold. The JVs really struggled this past season. The Hyacks won't do any better than 4th and could be as bad as last in the Conference.
Rumors again, this time that Coach Higgins will be retiring from coaching. That means South Delta will be in full rebuilding mode. North Delta limped to finish the season this year, don't expect much from them in 2006 either.
At 7:36 PM, December 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
New West JV QB was pretty good and will be moving up to take the reign. He is good. Don't underestimate New West again!
At 7:44 PM, December 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Holy cross will not be good.
Hansen will take it easily
At 8:51 PM, December 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I don't know about Holy Cross being the clear favourite in the East for 2006. It's a toss up between them and Hansen.
At 9:01 PM, December 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
done under estimate new west again. is that a joke they were the most overrated team over the whole season. thanks lalji
At 9:01 PM, December 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
done under estimate new west again. is that a joke they were the most overrated team over the whole season. thanks lalji
At 11:24 PM, December 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Why wont Holy Cross be good
thats the stupidest thing i have heard in a while
they finished 2nd in Junior and even though they do not have very strong gr.12's their gr.11's are strong enough to carry them
At 12:43 PM, December 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i think its a toss up between HC and Hansen... hansen will have Coltor Wright running the ball and should have a very good running game... but they need to work on the pass a bit more...
At 1:43 PM, December 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
new west will have matt macgrotty starting next year this may not seem impressive but remember before last yer nobody heard of ben davies, and before that nobody heard of ingram jaccard,
a summer with farhan will dramatically change his skill.
At 1:52 PM, December 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i heard North Delta wasnt even gonna have a team next year. What has coach Becker done over there to those boys.?
At 6:51 PM, December 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
When Holy Cross had this team together in JV they stunk. It should be a toss up between Hansen and Mouat.
At 2:05 AM, January 01, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Honestly, Mouat will probably be like the 2001 Carson Graham championship team. Amazing triangle offense of QB Jason Marshall (grade 11), WR Tony Strong (grade 12) and RB Curtis Hogarth (grade 12), which is just like this past season's Mouat team. They had QB Austin Teer (grade 11), WR Matt Chapdelaine (grade 12) and Bobby Rau (grade 12). But Carson Graham did not fair so well in the 2002 season, even though they still had their returning QB. I have a feeling Mouat, although also returning their QB, will fall along the same lines.
At 2:26 PM, January 01, 2006,
Anonymous said…
"When Holy Cross had this team together in JV they stunk. It should be a toss up between Hansen and Mouat."
That team had so many players out of Position it was ridiculous. With the couple of new players which we have gotten in our week spots we are just waiting to show teams what we can do. And with the players who we have put into new spots, just wait.
At 4:54 PM, January 01, 2006,
Anonymous said…
how is new west an OVER rated team when everyone was picking them to lose everysingle game? moron.
I can't see how new west will win any games myself. they have serious rebuilding to do at everypostion. But Then again, football is new at New west and they are a school of 2000.
there will be another ingram jaccard or marc moore at new west.
if theres a stud at new west secondary, lalji will find him.
At 3:50 PM, January 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
aslong as mouat can bring some new reciever into the picture they will be good with teer. carson had 2 recievers but one got kicked off the team and the other problems wiht the popo
At 4:12 PM, January 05, 2006,
Anonymous said…
dont underestimate new west... we dont they suck
At 4:45 PM, January 06, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Yayaya have fun trying to take down our awsome offense (hansen)
At 7:01 PM, January 06, 2006,
Anonymous said…
South Delta and North Delta are both losing their long time coaches Higgens and Becker. North Delta has been so destroyed by "realignment" of schools etc. that it will likely fold. Of course when cheating bastards like the Sands team get involved that didn't help North Delta either. Too bad they have been going for like 30 years and have been past BC champs. Not a great way for Becker to go out.
At 11:39 AM, January 09, 2006,
Anonymous said…
did hansen change their offence? cuz i remember last year i dont think they used one
At 7:31 AM, January 13, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Does that one guy even know who Becker is? Let's just say that guy is a little slow. I forgot more about football than that guy will ever know. I can't think of a more fitting way for that guy to go out than not making the playoffs. North Delta had about 7 good years and the other 23 were crap.
At 11:09 PM, January 13, 2006,
Anonymous said…
becker isn't a coach, he's a moron when it comes to football
any of their successful seasons were due to their outstanding players or the other coaches (ie. Uyeyama; when he was there) sands and seaquam will prosper in football with proper coaching and fundamentals. nd needs change, hopefully they will gain back a team in the near future with a far better "coach" to head the team
At 9:22 PM, January 18, 2006,
Anonymous said…
all you guys better watch out for james he play outside linebacker and hess good
At 9:22 PM, January 18, 2006,
Anonymous said…
all you guys better watch out for james he play outside linebacker and hess good
At 6:00 AM, February 11, 2006,
Anonymous said…
North Delta has folded. If you were thinking about playing there too bad. Go to Seaquam or Sands or play in the community.
At 10:17 PM, February 14, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I won't be surprised if ND comes back after a year or so. Too many athletes in that school! The problem is Walter Becker is the head coach. Perhaps Brian Higgins should take the team over!
At 10:22 PM, February 19, 2006,
Anonymous said…
At 9:10 PM, February 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
How well that affect the schedule?
At 10:05 PM, February 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I have heard that Mt. Doug wants to come back to AAA and if i am correct they will be joining back into our conference. But im not to sure
could they be top contendors with Mouat, Hansen and HOly Cross??
At 12:23 PM, February 26, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Higgins is not coaching this year. He is trying to spend more time with work and trimming his mustache.
At 10:26 PM, February 27, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Don't count me out yet! My mustache may be a bit old school buy I have a few good coaching years in me!
Bryan Higgans
At 11:22 AM, March 12, 2006,
Anonymous said…
As opposed to the overrated years you had before.
At 11:45 PM, March 12, 2006,
Anonymous said…
pretty sure he wouldnt spell his own name wrong, the man left with as much class as he came, lets leave him out of such dumb conversation, btw its brian higgins not bryan higgans. my prediction go as follows
holy cross
south delta
rick hansen
new west
At 2:33 PM, March 13, 2006,
Anonymous said…
No, let's include him. Considering he has no class now then he must have came in with the same attitude. He is a fake guy. Most people only know the fake him, he plays it off well. He doens't fool everybody. Hope he comes back to high school and gets his ass kicked like this year.
At 1:31 PM, March 14, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I like the prediction that you have put up there.. but Hansen. did make the finals 2 years ago with the same team that they will be fielding this year. Do you not think that they can atleast contend for the top spot.
And why is Holy Cross ahead of Mouat, HC sucked with this team coming up when they were together in JV.
who are their top players who weren't there at the JV level?
At 12:48 AM, March 25, 2006,
Anonymous said…
yea....really, who cares about how the JV team did. SO much changes that its almost pointless to judge teams on that basis.
You can possibly judge the health of a program but thats it.
At 6:39 PM, May 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
coach higgins might be gone... but we have better coaches now and we have new plays and new everything
if anything south delta will be stronger this year and could be top 3...
the starting linebackers are coming up strong wrs and rbs
and alot of players coming up from bantam... after the passing tourney is south delta still have no respect or well anyone think theyt will be beter than dead last?
At 8:43 PM, May 25, 2006,
Anonymous said…
SD is bunk although they may be good in gr.12 not this year young teams have difficulty against the bigger stronger players. They will get better playing against those teams though and should look good in the future. Hansen and Mouat are my choices to battle it out and HC and NW to be in the middle possibly SD in the middle with them.
At 9:29 AM, May 26, 2006,
Anonymous said…
that would be true if the majority of sd were juniors which is quite the contrary, they return many seniors who all started last year and a few who played significant minutes.
At 11:14 PM, May 26, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Well then we should see how they do. i dont think NW, HC and SD can compete with Hansen and Mouat tho. Wat good players do the 3 bottom teams have that could compete with teer,smysters and then hansens top players.
At 3:20 PM, May 28, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Im just saying dont count out Sd if were gunna talk about jv teams Sd doesnt have one but most of the kids have grown up thru community and shouldnt be counted out they ahev alot more skill then anyone gives them credit for and some great seniors and alot of good juniors on the team
they can compete
At 4:29 PM, June 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
This whole division isnt going to be very strong. just accept the fact guys, last year it was alright. New West will suck with virtually no storng players. SD looked absolutely terrible in their jamboree with only a few good players. HC looked way out of their league playing against Centenial not being able to throw the ball at all and only running it succesfully a few times. Moaut will be good if they find a reciever that Teer can throw too. Hansen will have a strong team and win it.
At 11:24 PM, July 09, 2006,
Anonymous said…
there was a scheduling mix up with the jamboree that SD played in, we were under the impression the date of the jamboree was still the original date of a week later, so we literally had 2 practices with gear on, literally 2 playing agianst teams with a couple of weeks worth of practice, how do you think any team woulda done with only 2 full team practices?
At 2:01 PM, July 16, 2006,
Anonymous said…
signs of a team with good cemistry would have done just fine. Most teams in spring only run a base offense anyways.. maybe 10 plays or so and that doesnt take more than a day or two to put in. I think SD should stop complaining an realize they are gunna be on the bottom for a while.
P.S pearson licks.
At 11:58 PM, July 21, 2006,
Anonymous said…
2 practises buddy
and whats your name ???
At 7:33 PM, July 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Guys, Guys he was probebly just messing with ur head man. Chill and show it on the field. I have two questions. Does Mouat have a reciever for next year to replace Chapedelaine? and who is playing QB at holy cross is it their JV QB from last year or the starter from last year?
At 3:12 PM, July 28, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Nick Satori is good enough to replace chapdelaine
At 3:12 PM, July 28, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Nick Satori is good enough to replace chapdelaine
At 11:49 PM, July 28, 2006,
Anonymous said…
that guy may be good enuff but his head isnt where chapdelaines was or is His cockiness will get him ripped up garanteed
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