2006 AA Interior Conference Preview
Predicted Finish
1. Okanagan Mission Huskies
2. Vernon Panthers
3. Westsyde Blue Wave
4. Valleyview Vikings
5. WL Seaton Sonics
6. Kalamalka Lakers
Updated. Fulton has gone AAA. Kalamalka and WL Seaton will be fielding Varsity teams at AA this year as well. WL Seaton had a JV team last year so that's why I give them an edge. Still not 100% sold that Kalamalka will actually start the season with a team. OKM is my new #1. It will be a dogfight between OKM, Vernon and possibly Westsyde for the top 3 spots. OKM has the most returning players so that's where I'm going with my #1.
There are rumors that Vernon will field a Varsity team in 2006. A solid JV team and some transfers from surrounding schools should make them a contending team.
The OKM program is progressing well under Coach Yarborough, and should be at least a playoff team. Westsyde will be right there stride for stride though. Will be a tough battle for 3rd and 4th.
Valleyview graduates a lot of talent and will struggle to make the playoffs. Not sure if Norkam or Kalamalka will have a team in 2006 after folding their programs this year.
1. Okanagan Mission Huskies
2. Vernon Panthers
3. Westsyde Blue Wave
4. Valleyview Vikings
5. WL Seaton Sonics
6. Kalamalka Lakers
Updated. Fulton has gone AAA. Kalamalka and WL Seaton will be fielding Varsity teams at AA this year as well. WL Seaton had a JV team last year so that's why I give them an edge. Still not 100% sold that Kalamalka will actually start the season with a team. OKM is my new #1. It will be a dogfight between OKM, Vernon and possibly Westsyde for the top 3 spots. OKM has the most returning players so that's where I'm going with my #1.
There are rumors that Vernon will field a Varsity team in 2006. A solid JV team and some transfers from surrounding schools should make them a contending team.
The OKM program is progressing well under Coach Yarborough, and should be at least a playoff team. Westsyde will be right there stride for stride though. Will be a tough battle for 3rd and 4th.
Valleyview graduates a lot of talent and will struggle to make the playoffs. Not sure if Norkam or Kalamalka will have a team in 2006 after folding their programs this year.
At 1:50 PM, December 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
dont hate on the interior teams..they work just as hard as anyone else on the field. they just have less to play with. I have nothing but respect for them and thier coaches.
At 3:54 PM, December 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
wow... and when people count hard work over touchdowns maybe the interior team could have a chance at the title, but until then they will get their asses kicked from bc place back to the loops
At 7:47 PM, March 29, 2006,
Anonymous said…
The fact that the coast has such a large population compared to the interior doesnt help, if you notice most teams from the interior dont get alot of different cultures either, im not saying thats a big difference but Frank Hurt has alot of east indian players... Some teams form the interior are ALL white, there is no diversity it is a bunch of white kids... good linemen come out of the interior but when it comes to speed there isnt enough, you do have good runners but just not enough! tell us we suck when you only have a population in your entire town of fucking 80,000 you fucking shit heads!
At 2:10 PM, April 09, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Brad Yamoka a former CFL starter is maeking sure that Kalmalka will have a team. Dont Valleyview should suprise you with returning defensive secondary, and a few good players comeing up from junior, thought the junior team struggled last season. There are a few suprises waiting for whomever plays valleyview though the watson brothers are out of the school dont count the running game down and out, and the passing game should get a kick in the ass with Cam Mcreight comeing up from junior. The only thing valleyview will struggle with is the offensive line, and the linebacker core, everywhere else the positions are set and it will be a good season, cant wait to see how it turns out, Valleyview should have a pretty even match when Mission comes up in june for a spring exhibition game... best of luck to all the teams in the interior, but my money is on an OKM/Valleyview game to decide it all westsyde and valleyview will fight for control of kamloops to the bitter end,and if somehow NorKam feilds a team then they will just be caught in the cross-fire of Valleyview and Westsyde, and wont stand a chance.... I've heard that Quesnel might also feild a team if this is true it means that Kalmalka should get at least one win, maybe two if norkam is back up and running, thats all i gotta say
At 8:46 PM, August 09, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Are Valleyview and Westsyde fielding teams this year? I heard from someone in Kamloops that they weren't going to field senior teams this fall. This could be rumurs just so that kids transfer to southkam. I hope this isn't the case, but if it is, what happens to the conference? - since I don't think both Kal and Seaton will have a team
At 7:25 PM, August 14, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Okay well westsyde and valleyview will DEFINATLY feild teams especially Valleyview Westsyde can do whatever they whant personally fuck em but thats beside the point, they have more then enough plyers at westsyde to play, and Valleyview i can assure you will feild a team, if we dont then fuck that shit i'm outta town Kelowna here i come lol
At 2:50 PM, August 22, 2006,
Anonymous said…
just got back on reading here for the first time this season and i gotta say i was really hoping that the interior would have gained at least a little more respect with OKM making a solid playoff spot with a mostly rookie team in only their second year with a team and Fulton moving up to AAA and some of the very skilled runners from Valleyview, not only the Watson bros... but apparently the coast is still blind to what we do have over here, way less population and athletic diversity by comparison.. we try just as hard and are just as dedicated and the coast should at least respect that or one of these years a "shitty ass" interior team might take it all from 'em
At 10:12 AM, August 23, 2006,
Anonymous said…
OKM will be the top team in the interior - but will struggle in the playoffs. Number 2 will be a battle between Kal and Vernon [if Vernon fields a team]. Valleyview and Westsyde will struggle to field a team - hard to say where they will end up if they do. Westsyde 3 [2 if Vernon is out] and Valleyview last. WL Seaton - no team if Vernon and Kal field teams; if no Kal or Vernon, they will be last.
At 10:17 PM, September 07, 2006,
Anonymous said…
OKM will be #1 and will "surprise" in the playoffs if you listen to that last guy... no reason why OKM can't get through one round, they competed with Fulton last year, more experience in the secondary was the only thing in the way from OKM being #1 and now they have it
At 4:36 PM, September 10, 2006,
Anonymous said…
While its hard to listen to writing I think we get the idea. The playoffs are for the top teams in BC. No offense to OKM, or Westsyde, or whoever comes out of the Interior, but I don't think any Interior team is a top 8 - yet. The top Interior team will probably lose in the Quarterfinals. I don't know if anyother Interior teams will be in the BC playdowns - how many berths would the Interior get if they only have 3 or 4 teams?
At 6:23 PM, September 19, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Westsyde is fielding a team and they are off to a good start. Look for Westsyde to take the division in a tight battle with OKM. Kal will be 3rd if they field a team. Valleyview will be last - either 3rd or 4th depending on if there will be a team from Vernon iew 4th. Vernon and Seaton will not field teams.
At 2:08 PM, October 13, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Westsyde is definately taking the okanogan conference. Hands Down....
At 8:53 AM, October 18, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Man Vallyview is a terrible, terrible team
At 6:46 PM, September 11, 2007,
Anonymous said…
okm is winning the interior in 2007
At 12:43 PM, November 12, 2007,
Anonymous said…
ha wl seaton owned all of you this year. we definrtly had the bettet team this year. were going all the way!
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