Sands Scorpions vs Seaquam Seahawks
Fri, Oct. 28 at 7:00P, John Oliver Park
The Fanatic spread line:
Sands-28 at Seaquam+28 O/U 42
Final Score 24-0 for Sands. Defense prevailed for the most part in this one. Sands pulling away in the end. Sands Defense is probably the best in AA, however, their offense is only middle of the pack. Next game vs Aldergrove won't be much of a test for their offense. Seaquam played tough. Been inconsistent all year though, still should be good enough to make the playoffs. Face Naniamo next week.
Battle of Delta AA style. Good thing about the Strike has taken heat off of Sands and the whole "recruiting" topic. Seaquam needs to come out with a good effort here as they are the #4 seed so far. Sands Defense is tops in AA so far, Seaquam will find it tough moving the ball here.
The Fanatic spread line:
Sands-28 at Seaquam+28 O/U 42
Final Score 24-0 for Sands. Defense prevailed for the most part in this one. Sands pulling away in the end. Sands Defense is probably the best in AA, however, their offense is only middle of the pack. Next game vs Aldergrove won't be much of a test for their offense. Seaquam played tough. Been inconsistent all year though, still should be good enough to make the playoffs. Face Naniamo next week.
Battle of Delta AA style. Good thing about the Strike has taken heat off of Sands and the whole "recruiting" topic. Seaquam needs to come out with a good effort here as they are the #4 seed so far. Sands Defense is tops in AA so far, Seaquam will find it tough moving the ball here.
At 7:05 PM, October 24, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Sands vs Seaquam
should be entertaining.
At 8:13 PM, October 24, 2005,
Anonymous said…
we got ourselves a gong show here
good for delta publicity though.. lotta viewers coming out.
too bad huskies played seaquam but not sands.. i believe we all know why too
sands will prove it once again with the score against seaquam
At 10:58 AM, October 25, 2005,
Anonymous said…
With the return of high school football, now pathetic grown men can once again validate their existence and self worth by complaining about Sands.
At 1:53 PM, October 25, 2005,
Anonymous said…
let the powers that be take care of sands as far as what they did or didn't do. on with the games.
At 5:38 AM, October 26, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Sands are cheaters for different reasons, them, LT and windsor all practied over the stirke.
At 8:04 AM, October 26, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i do not go to any of these schools, but how do you know these 3 teams practised during the strike?
At 6:24 PM, October 26, 2005,
Anonymous said…
A parent with a kid enrolled in windsor talked to a parent I know and said that they were practicnig, she said that our school wasn't and the lady was shocked becasue her sons coach had told her, all the teams where practicing, sands and Lt, were the ones he named to her.
At 8:41 PM, October 26, 2005,
Anonymous said…
justin kardach told me that they(sands) were just playing like huge touch football games and just screwing around..and there were no coaches and even some kids that werent on the team that were isnt that ok? i mean..they didnt really do anything wrong
At 9:52 PM, October 26, 2005,
Anonymous said…
coming out and having a touch game with people not apart of the team, you're going to call that practising and strip teams of anything they have left
better yet why don't you try to just make some bullshit law up saying no one can play football at all during the strike (who,where, when and how)..
it's garbage
At 10:08 PM, October 26, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Why do you guys always post this crap on the Sands games thing?
At 10:37 PM, October 26, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Maybe because everyone knows they are cheaters and we wait for the day they get their wrists slapped.
And who would trust a comment made by one of the biggest cheater of all.....Kardash !
At 7:45 AM, October 27, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Did not know that someone living with their dad was considered cheating.
At 8:12 PM, October 27, 2005,
Anonymous said…
If Kardash is living with his dad, then why does he openly tell us at community practise that he is faking his address in delta to go to sands
At 8:14 PM, October 27, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i go to his house like a few times a week...he lives down the street from sands..i can give u his adress and phone number if i really needed to and u could go stop for a visit if u really care that much...
At 9:16 PM, October 27, 2005,
Anonymous said…
This is the stupidous (if thats a word) comment. None of this stuff has to do with the game. Even more stupid is that people start commenting on where he lives when that was never even brought up in the first place. So since everyone else is saying stupid stuff, then I will tooo. Sounds fishy. Why dont you give his address and phone number and shut everyone the hell up on this
At 11:00 PM, October 27, 2005,
Anonymous said…
thats interesting..ppl have to stop caring about this sands cheating thing some football please..if they cheatd tehy will get caught if they didnt let them play and shutup like worry about ur team people and for justin kardash i've heard of him hes a decent back i heard hes reali big so i dont think he makes the greatest back cuz hes like reali tall but sands defnese is the best in AA there offense is not that great tho very inconsitenet but SEAQUAM VS SANDS should be fun battle of delta i think sands might get a lil bit of a shock from seaquam as i believe seaquam will make this game close becuase sands cant hold leads as we all know from windsor
At 11:35 AM, October 28, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Check the other games they played. They held leads pretty well in those games. Seaquam is definetly closer to that caliber than to a very good Windsor team.
At 9:30 PM, October 28, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i think sands won like 24-0 or something..defence was solid but i left early.
At 10:16 PM, October 28, 2005,
Anonymous said…
24-0. I left unimpressed!
At 11:21 PM, October 28, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Seaquam played Sands tough. 3-0 until late in 1st half when Sands scored on a long play. Seaquam definitely held their own against a tough Sands team.
At 11:23 PM, October 28, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i was at the game like mid way through the first quater and wow sands waws a huge disappoint 24-0 was some footblal game lol seaquam was in it with there defense who actually palyed well or maye hte snads offense jus playeed like shyt it was the second sands game iw atched but it was surprsing how there offesne is soo incosientent..props to there defnese for sure the best defnese in AA they got some good recivers with hands and speed as they caught some tough balls in the terrible weather with hard winds..seaquam has a great safety and qb i think its the same guy lol seaquam runnin game is weak there passin game looks decent tho..
OVerall a sloppy game
At 9:03 AM, October 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
who caught that long ball
At 9:06 AM, October 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
who caught that long ball
At 10:33 AM, October 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Xavier Johnson..him and the qb are a good combo.
At 10:55 AM, October 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
If Sands Offence is middle of the pack, who is in front of them? There are 20 + teams in Double A. Does that mean they are 10th? I think BC Sports Fanatic is on crack!
At 11:12 AM, October 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
they are obviously better than average offence..but it is true they are inconsistant...if they can tune up thier offfence, then will be an extremely good team, lets just see if they can do it in time for playoffs. thier quarterback has a hell of an arm and is pretty accurate..they have a very solid running backs with brian trautman and #6.( not much known about him ) and yes u all hate him but he is still good justin kardash.. and andre bessette..all 4 of them look to be getting lots of playing time.thier O line is pretty good too, but sometimes it looks like they might take a play or 2 off.
At 2:25 PM, October 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
so sands will be knocked out in the second round of playoffs they are just not that good yes they have a good defense but offense just wont get it done and considering you will be playing the semi finals and quarter finals outdoors they wont do well all they can do is pass and even that is suspect at time with only one reception all game a 75 yard pass o and a shovel pass which was a good play but was called back on a holding penalty .. they ran some fake punts which worked pretty well but couldnt capitalize and ended up giving the ball back a few plays later good game though
At 6:34 PM, October 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
That was a not a great offensive performance by Sands. However they have show flashes of brilliance this year when they put up 30 points against Oroville and dominated Windsor in the first half of their game by running the ball consistently. The blowout victories over Nanaimo and North Surrey should not be forgotten as well. The Carson Graham game was a bit of a letdown since they had played Windsor the week before. However they did beat one of the better coached Triple A schools. Last night, I think the 3 weeks off did not help Sands as well as as Seaquam. Hopefully both teams have it going when they roll into the play-offs.
At 6:41 PM, October 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
there punter/free safetty is a great player hes jus a fucken idiot as i here from some of my friends on teh sands team i was at the game it was good sands offsne is very good actaully probally 4-5 in the league but they only had reception cuz it was bilion degrees below zero they were thorwin in the wind and it was reali sllipery as several players fell..they will make it to the semi's and im not sure about the new format will they hafta play LT OR WINDSOr? before the playoffs
At 7:55 PM, October 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
hes not even good..ive seen him play in most of sands games and hes nothing special..he had one pretty good punt but it was with some pretty strong wind and he didnt even make any hits or anything and he kep like being all cocky and taunting the other teams bench when he wouldnt do anything..
At 12:39 AM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
whos this xavier johnson kid
At 1:17 AM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
A reciever from sands who is pretty fast and has really good hands..and hes black so he can jump lol.
At 1:18 AM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
A reciever from sands who is pretty fast and has really good hands.. hes black too so he can jump lol.
At 1:19 AM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
my bad**
At 5:21 PM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
was he number 21 or 1?
21 looked like an exceleent reciver/db sands had more talent at the WR/Db SPOt then i thought w/e it was they had alot of talent and for thorwin the ball as much ast hey did in the wind it was a good effort
At 5:22 PM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i think he was 21
At 5:25 PM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
sands has some talent on there wr/db spots but not as much as teams like boyd, lt, windsor at those spots in my opinion they have like 4-5 guys that can catch the ball well but not consitently i think tere numbers are like 21, 1, 15, 81,16 30something and a few others like the cockiest guy on there on there team justin kardash who thinks hes goin to NCAA i was at two of thers game the one agisant seaquam and naninmo i play for nd and i kno that sands will tune us any day but i would love to play them but i will give them props for not being a cocky team liek i've talked to players on ther eteam there confidnet but not cocky unlike some teams..
At 6:43 PM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
xavier johnson is # 21
At 7:04 PM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
sands db's and wr's are all grade 11 except for one guy. they are pretty good and just wait until next year and those guys are going to be unreal
At 10:30 PM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
yea this year its gonna be harder for sands to go all teh way but next year there gonna put out a show for alot of teams..and in my belief they are going to own double aa..there db's and wr's are all in gr.11 i dont know which ones not in gr.11 but they have some amazing talant as i've seen thorugh the games of theres...there qb is probally the best qb in double a hes jus a rookie and sure people who've seen him noe how talented he is wats his name? hes number 7 right?
At 10:43 PM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i think his names like taylor p or something he plays community ball i believe as well hes got an amazing arm both accury and power wise
At 10:45 PM, October 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
whos number 1 on sands hes a good sized reciver
At 2:05 PM, October 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
number one didnt do much number 21 made a great catch number 15 made some nicely timed hits on recievers he is a good free saftey and there qb is great but windsor will beat them and al you guys who say people are to cockey like justin kardasch and # 15 well thats wat football is about and you knwo wat i commend it who cares i know a lot of sands guys dont like justin kardash but he plays all you sands guys are jelous because your not that good and he is better you guys wont win anythign because you have no team chemistry and all this shit talking about number 15 i played against him ( im from carson ) i was the db he made that touchdown catch on so weather you like justin ir numebr 15 or not just shut up you sound like idiots complaining about your own players
and you will get rocked by windsor
At 2:13 PM, October 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
ya sands is gay and we will beat them you are right there good player was there middle linbacker and there strong and free saftey and thats all i saw when we played them (windsor) there qb sucked and he wasnt tall so i dunno wat you people are taling about but ya if it wernt for those three players i mentioned they wouldnt have been close they suck sands sucks and thre school id full of homosexuals!
At 3:17 PM, October 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Taylor Potkins was hurt against Windsor. He did not play. After the playoffs are done people will see he is the best passing qb in AA. Willetts being the best runner.
At 5:22 PM, October 31, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Windsor wont stomp sands lol.. it will be close
LT won't win shit haha
I saw the VMFL final when the seniors of this year were in junior bantam.. North Delta 44 - Cloverdale 14
just wait for the playoffs
At 6:14 PM, November 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
You guys know half these comments are made by number 15. Its not hard to firgue out especially since most of the posts are like 2,3 minutes apart. Also I think all of you are underestimating Mount Doug. We have a wicked Defenence and I think we have the best D in AA.
At 7:01 PM, November 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
i actually wouldnt doubt it at all if all the ones saying oh hes a great player n shit was him..
At 7:03 PM, November 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
now its time for number 15 to come on here n be like..Sands has the best defence in AA because of thier free safety i dont know his name but hes number 15..they have good line and good linebackers too..and the safety gets alot of interceptions..AHHAAH now he wont man up and admit to saying any of it...
At 7:11 PM, November 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
one thing #15 doesnt say is how he hits on his sisters frends who r 4 years younger than him
At 8:37 PM, November 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
ahahhah a loser and a PERVERT!! AHAHAHAH
At 10:23 PM, November 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
haha i wouldnt doubt it at all either... the kids a goof
At 6:59 AM, November 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
hey i thought you sands guys wernt supposed to be on this thing
hmm you wont win shit because you dont listen to anybody
and you put your own teammates down
anyways what time is the game agains aldergrove?
and is is it at john oliver school or park?
At 2:32 PM, November 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
sands is gayyyy
its full of homsexuals
and they wont make it past the second roundddd!! haha
jeez who cares about this justin guy or anybody on sands there all a bunch of goooofs haha
shit these guys make me laughhaha
i hope windsor destroys sands!! woot woot
At 2:34 PM, November 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
sands isnt that bas actually
they ahve some talent
qb is good
recivers are good
and defense is awsome
i dunno if they can beat windsor but they will be do fine
and who cares about justin kardash football is a team game no player can do it by himself so evryone talk football not individualslike fuck
At 5:04 PM, November 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
they have some talent? they prbly better then tweeds.
At 9:21 PM, November 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
yah i think they would beat tweeds too..
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